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JTIG has been selected as a key member of the Just Transition Platform (JTP) Working Group

We are pleased to announce that we have been informed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy that the Kozani-based Greek Institute for Just Transition has been selected as a key member of the Just Transition Platform (JTP) Working Group, for the formulation of the Horizontal Strategy of the Stakeholders at EU level.
The work of the Platform with its new members starts already in the middle of November and the first closed meeting of the working group for the Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy is scheduled for November 18, 2021, after the elaboration of the working texts that are intensively prepared for this meeting.
The scientific collaborators and co-founders of the Institute of Just Transition of Greece are very happy for the acceptance of the organization in this important body of the European Commission, which emerged after a competitive process.
In compliance with the statutory purposes of the Institute, Western Macedonia and the country will now have one more representative of the local communities affected by the effects of decarbonisation.